Circulador de Inmersión 29.990

30 Jul 2019
Boro' pid='38558' dateline='1581510034 dijo:
rutem' pid='38534' dateline='1581480550 dijo:
Boro' pid='38527' dateline='1581478790 dijo:
fnatic' pid='38525' dateline='1581473386 dijo:
Despues de leer la posibilidad de intoxicarse no me dieron ganas :(
Pero yo lei el articulo, y lo que cuestiona son publicaciones sensacionalistas en contra de la cocina de inmersión. De hecho no critica la cocina de inmersión.
Este es un review:
Lei articulos en el metabuscador de la universidad, y todos salen apoyandola. Lo unico que se ha discutido es la proliferacion bacteriana. Les dejo las conclusiones del review, por si no pueden leer el articulo (no se si todos tienen acceso, o solo yo por la universidad:
[size=large][font=NexusSerif, Georgia,]Sous vide cooking is a powerful tool in the modern kitchen: precise temperature control gives superior reproducibility, better control of doneness, reduction of pathogens to a safe level at lower temperatures, and more choice of texture than traditional cooking methods; vacuumized packaging improves heat flow, extends the shelf-life of the food by eliminating the risk of recontamination, reduces off-flavors from oxidation, and reduces the loss of nutrients to the cooking medium.[/font][/size]
[size=large][font=NexusSerif, Georgia,]Precise temperature control lets you take advantage of both the fast and the slow changes when cooking: the fast changes, such as doneness, are mostly determined by the highest temperature that the food reaches; the slow changes typically take hours to days and let you make tough cuts of meat, which would usually be braised, tender while maintaining a medium-rare doneness. Precise temperature control also gives you the ability to pasteurize meat and poultry at lower temperatures than traditional cooking methods and so they no longer need to be cooked well-done to be safe.[/font][/size]
[size=large][font=NexusSerif, Georgia,]Vacuumized packaging is important when extended shelf-life is required: the vacuumized pouch prevents recontamination of food during storage and allows for the efficient transfer of heat. Vacuumized packaging is not necessary when doing cook-hold sous vide cooking and many restaurants do not vacuum package the food and cook directly in a convection steam oven or in a temperature controlled bath of fat (e.g., oil or butter) or flavored broth (e.g., stock) if it will be served immediately.[/font][/size]
La mia venia sin bolsitas. Me da pajita ir a reclamar para que me digan que no tienen. Alguien sabe donde comprar?
Están debajo del plástico donde viene la máquina...
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[emoji38]. Gracias. Me salvaste de hacer el ridiculo. Facepalm.
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jajajaj, que ridiculo.


12 Ago 2019
Solo puedo decirles que es leeento. De que queda weno, queda weno, pero una hora y media pa un bistec. Pajita

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Boro dijo:
Solo puedo decirles que es leeento. De que queda weno, queda weno, pero una hora y media pa un bistec. Pajita

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Creo que la devolvere.avisenme si alguien la quiere, que la devolvere el lunes, ajajajjaja

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